As creatives, we at PeVa Design are passionate about creating original graphics and other media that will meet the expectations of buyers from around the world. We produce media with a positive and passionate concept in mind. Also as followers of Christ, we represent all and any matters from a heavenly perspective. We here at PeVa are committed to serve our Lord and Savior in all that we say and do. PeVa Design is a grass-roots web based venture that started in the small town of Blytheville Arkansas as a hobby for pattern and t-shirt designs.

Each artwork created by PeVa design is original, and seeks to bring a positive message as well as a subjective approach. At Peva Design believe that every aspect of life is a journey, and should be celebrated by creating media that will let one know that in spite of any type of obstacles. The possibilities are endless. What we are trying to accomplish is whenever we create any type of media, we create it so it will leave an impression on one to use for inspiration. Producing positive designs is where we make the most important decisions on what type of materials we allow in our family lives as well as yours. As christian we strive to bring forth inspiration, adding to a wide spectrum of fun and motivational products. We hope that you enjoy shopping at PeVa Design. Going into territories unknown,we here at PeVa have to close like we began. We aer sold out for JESUS.

We will not waver on our stand for our LORD. The media that we create will reflect that stand. I want to tell U a bit about the name PeVa. It is the first two letters of my first and last name. I am the mother of this very creative man, and this is his way of honoring his mom. His gift of creativity came straight from heaven. How I know? Because he’s been doing it since he could remember. He has never wavered. Only GOD can fix something in a heart that’s so real, so alive for almost fifty years that you never even want to let it go. Going forward, and yes we will. In unknown territories, yes we are, but we know the one that knows the way and I assure you that JESUS is leading the way. So let’s go.

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